Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Disney's Dirty Movies

As kids we all watch animated movies that are mostly made by Disney. We have all heard that rumor that in Aladin the hero whisper "good teenagers take off their clothes". Did the Disney makers purposely put that in there to see if anyone would catch it or did someone sneak it in? Also when Aladin is attacked by the lion, if you look closely you realize that the tiger is hiding something on Aladin. So what do you think, does Disney purposely put in dirty little details? This is an unanswered question.

The little mermaid. We all love that movie, little girls want to be here and little boys want to date her. But one thing is different about where she lives. On the golden gates in the water there was deliberately drawn a phallus by a disgruntled artist. I think Disney needs to look more into who they hire because more and more sexual references are showing up in little kids movies.

Did you know that Finland baned the showing of Donald Duck because he wears no pants. Or that Belle from the beauty in the beast can be seen in the movie the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Tinker Bell is based off the image of Marilyn Manroe. And oh my god in the The Rescuers there are images of a top less woman in the background while two little mice are riding around in a car.
The lion king is a favorite or every age. But if you watch the movie and watch closely you can see that the word sex is represented in the clouds and the grass of two different scenes. Also, the personalities of the seven dwarfs is representing the seven steps of cocaine addiction. So i guess in a sense Disney is trying to warn kids to stay away from cocaine but is that actually what they're trying to do....probably not.

My task for you is to watch some of the Disney movies and see if you can find something wrong with the film. I still remember watching the little mermaid and seeing the priest get aroused. I'm sure there are tons of different innuendos hidden in the movies and its just up to us to find them out.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jumbo Size Me

So because I'm doing urban legends I decided to look up these urban legends about animals. Well you would not belive some of the things that I came across. I found this deer that was 412 pounds. Could you imagine trying to kill that honking thing. In this pictures there is about four guys just trying to make sure that they killed the thing so they wouldnt be killed by it.

Imagine you are in a forest just chillen out and you look up and see a hog. You think ok well its jut a hog i cant be hurt by it so im fine. But than you look again and you see that this is a horse of a hog. It weighs 800 pounds and is running right at you. This animal you can believe really lived or not but Its considered an urban legend.
Also there is this story of a man and his wife who go out clubbing one night and come home extremely late to find that their dog is chocking to death. The wife throws the dog in the car and calls her vet friend to come and meet them at the vet hospital. When they arrived there she drops him off with the doctor and turns right back around to get her husband. As soon as she enters her front door she hears the phone ring. She figures it must be inportant becuase its so late at night. It was the doctor and she tell her to come immediety to the vet hospital. When she arrives there are police officers all around. She finally reaches the doctor and she tell her the dog was choking on a human finger. Then the man comes out of the dogs boy with a half finer. THe dog will survive. The police say taht the dog saved its owners life because he ate the intrutor. Belive it or not.
There was also a time when a little old grandmother was washing her dog. She had just heard the phone rang and her daughter asked her to meet her for lunch. The grandmother was then in a rush and wanted to dry her dog quicker. She had the brilant idea to stick her dog in the microwave and put it on defrost. Well a few minutes went by and here little dog was no more.

Finally, Is a dogs mouth cleaner than a humans. Well if you believe this than you are outthere. Dogs get just as much crap in their mouths as we do . By letting your dog lick your cut it is not going to get any cleaner it will probably just get infected. So think about things before you belive just anything.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Urban Legends are an apocryphal story involving incidents of the recent past, often including elements of humor and horror that spreads quickly and is popularly believed to be true. Urban legends have haunted me for years. I first saw that movie Urban Legends and remember not being able to sleep for multiple nights. The funny part about these legends is that mostly everyone believes one or two of them, they’ve gone world wide.

Ever since I was a young kid I believed the Urban Legend that if you ate a watermelon seed you would grow a watermelon in your stomach. Obviously, that’s not true. So have you ever licked an envelope and cut your tongue? Or gone to the tanning booth and thought to your self that this could possibly kill me? These are just a few of the many urban legends we know about today.

Another huge myth is that if you suck on a copper penny before you blow into a breathalyzer you will blow a negative number. So should you try it? Sure why not I mean if your that dumb enough to get caught drinking and driving why not try sucking on a penny. I’m just kidding you should never drink and drive and don’t put your tongue on a dirty penny because your tongue might fall off…

Wal-Mart on the other hand is an awesome place! Right? Well not so much according to a young woman, the flip flops she bought from there actually burned off her feet. There are actually real pictures of it to. But do you believe it or is it just a legend. You should also be careful when you head to your car at night. Most people now a days think that everything is generally safe and that if you walk with someone to your car you will be fine. Well what would you say if I told you someone was hiding under your car waiting for you. Yeah! Not so fun anymore. This legend involves a man who hides under your car and when you get close enough he slices your heals. You probably are not going for any more long walks in the park after that.

So do you believe in these legends or are they just a bunch of messed up people making up stories. In actuality no one truly knows but for your own sake take into consideration these legends and pass them on. Make the world more fun!!